Descriptive analysis of permanent disability files for epicondylitis in food industry workers


  • Jezabel López-Brito Unidad Docente de Medicina del Trabajo de Canarias
  • Rosa Mª Moreno-Jiménez Unidad Docente de Medicina del Trabajo de Canarias
  • Raúl Jesús Regal-Ramos Dirección Provincial de Madrid, Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, Inspección Médica, Madrid



Sick leave; musculoskeletal disorders; elbow tendinopathy; food industry


Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent a major health problem among workers in industrialized countries and are the main cause of temporary and permanent work disability in our country.

In the food industry, tasks that involve repetitive movements, forced and static postures are carried out, resulting in upper limb and spine pathologies. This type of work can cause tendon pathologies, among which is epicondylitis, triggered by repetitive movements of wrist extension and prono-supination of the forearm.

Objectives: To establish the prevalence of Permanent Disability files filed for epicondylitis presented in food industry workers.

To stratify the Permanent Disability files presented by food industry workers, both the files for epicondylitis and the files for the rest of musculoskeletal disorders, according to: age, gender, Autonomous Community, CIE-9 code, who initiates the file, qualification, resolution, type of professional contingency, contribution regime and CNO-11 classification.

To analyze the professional contingency and qualification variables with respect to the rest of variables.

To identify sectors susceptible to implementing improvements in preventive activity.

Method: This cross-sectional descriptive study will be carried out by collecting the data through the Alfa database (Automation of the Benefit Management Procedure) of the National Social Security Institute. The statistical program R Core Team 2021, version 4.0.5. will be used for the descriptive analysis of the data.

Results: We obtained 1,405 permanent disability records due to musculoskeletal disorders in the food industry workers during 2019.

Intervertebral disc disorders, arthrosis and tendinitis were the most frequent musculoskeletal disorders for which Permanent Disability files were submitted.

Of all the files submitted, the majority are for common illnesses.

The slaughterers and meat industry workers account for the largest number of files.

Of the total number of Permanent Disability files submitted, a similar number of those classified as non-disabled and Total Permanent Disability (47.1% and 46.4% respectively) were obtained.

Conclusions: Slaughterers are the group of workers with the highest number of Permanent Disability files for epicondylitis and tendinitis. In this regard, it should also be noted that most of the cases registered as occupational diseases are included in the tendinitis group.

It is noteworthy that although the percentage of approved files is similar for both sexes, the number of files filed by women is considerably higher.

The Permanent Disability files come predominantly from common illnesses and very few from occupational diseases. In terms of the contribution regime, although self-employed workers are the ones who file the fewest cases, they are the ones who are granted the most Total Permanent Disability as a percentage of the total.

Slaughterers and workers in the meat industry are those who would benefit most from implementing improvements in preventive measures in their workplace.


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How to Cite

López-Brito J, Moreno-Jiménez RM, Regal-Ramos RJ. Descriptive analysis of permanent disability files for epicondylitis in food industry workers. Med Segur Trab [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 16 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];67(263):128-54. Available from: //



Medical Investigation