Some aspects of the professional development of Evaluative Medicine of incapacity for work
Evaluative Medicine, work incapacity, professional career, specific training areaAbstract
Evaluative Medicine of incapacity for work is a branch or orientation of Medicine that aims to assess the functional repercussions of a worker’s clinical picture, for the purpose of determining whether there is some type and degree of work disability. It is, therefore, a practical application of Medicine that is outside the scope of health care and is carried out, among others, by the medical officers assigned to the Social Security (National Health Service) in Spain. At the present time, the authors consider it necessary to develop and implement specific studies in Spain to qualify for the practice of this branch of Medicine, which could fit in as a specific training area for different medical specialties, thus seeking to provide greater scientific rigor in medical evaluations. They also deem it necessary, in the medical field of Social Security, to develop opportunities for promotion and expectations of professional progress in accordance with the principles of equality, merit and ability, which are implied in a professional career system.
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