Temporary incapacity for work (sick leave) in the times of COVID-19, preventive aspects and consequences


  • José Manuel Vicente-Pardo Universidad Católica de Murcia UCAM. Cátedra de Medicina Evaluadora y Pericial. Jefe Unidad Médica Equipo Valoración Incapacidades. Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social. Gipuzkoa
  • Araceli López-Guillén-García Universidad Católica de Murcia UCAM. Cátedra de Medicina Evaluadora y Pericial. Unidad Médica Equipo Valoración Incapacidades. Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social. Murcia




COVID-19, occupational disability, sick leave, sickness absence, occupational health, prevention


Introduction: Temporary disability due to COVID-19 was expressly regulated, through various rules and instructions, covering both isolation by contact, by infection or for sensitive workers. It involved the integration of preventive labor protection covered by its protection in a financial benefit with the highest amount. Analyzing the consequences of the pandemic in the first wave, confinement, de-escalation and return to normality, months from March to October, the «collapsing» impact of COVID-19 on the health system led to the paralysis and increase of waiting lists for tests, operations and non-urgent consultations of the rest of pathologies, and consequently a high increase in the average duration of sick leave for all processes, in confinement and de-escalation in 84.48% and in 25.27% the prolonged casualties that reached more than 365 days. Consequently, COVID-19 as a collateral effect led to a poor evolution of the rest of the processes, prolonging the duration of temporary disabilities, which implies a worsening of occupational health, a greater risk of not returning to work that occurs during sick leave long, higher risk of unemployment, higher spending on benefits and economic decline for companies and the self-employed. Temporary disability due to COVID-19 accounted for 38.73% of all casualties at the end of October 2020. 

Conclusions: The pandemic forced to prioritize resources around COVID-19, collapsing the care of the rest of pathologies, except for emergencies or vital treatments. This meant an increase in waiting lists for non-urgent consultations, tests or surgical interventions, as well as the cancellation or postponement of consultations or treatments and therefore an increase in the longer duration of sick leave and also the worsening of occupational health, consequently, by not being able to have treatment in a timely manner. In confinement and de-escalation, the average duration of casualties increased by 84.48%; by processes, the increase was 503.58% in respiratory diseases, 215.88%, in infectious diseases, 60.73% in endocrine diseases, 45; 42% of blood diseases, 45 09% for digestive diseases, 35.63% for osteomyoarticular disorders, 34.12% for neoplasms, 33.37% for circulatory diseases, 31.94% for «procedures», and 29.56% of mental disorders. Long-term sick leave (PIT) that reached 365 days increased by 25.27%, compared to the month of October of the previous year. Prolonged sick leave due to endocrine and nutritional diseases increased by 28.50, from mental disorders by 28.20%, from musculoskeletal disorders by 26.70, from neoplasms by 26.49%, from respiratory diseases in 24.27%, for diseases of the nervous system in 22.79%, for cardiovascular diseases in 20.48%, and for digestive diseases in 19.24%. As a consequence of COVID-19, the working population was exposed to an added and new risk; health and social health workers suffered the disease as a direct consequence of their work due to illness of an undoubted professional nature. The effects of COVID-19 on the delay of tests, surgeries or treatments in «No COVID-19» processes and the difficulties of contact with care worsened occupational health, prolonging disability situations and increasing the risk of prolonged non-COVID-19 disabilities, return to work due to the expected poor evolution of any process when it cannot be treated and attended to early.


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How to Cite

Vicente-Pardo JM, López-Guillén-García A. Temporary incapacity for work (sick leave) in the times of COVID-19, preventive aspects and consequences. Med Segur Trab [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];67(262):37-72. Available from: //revista.isciii.es/index.php/MST/article/view/1139



Medical Investigation