Pérdida Auditiva Oculta, Sinaptopatía Coclear y Ruido Ocupacional


  • Yolanda R. Peñaloza-Lopez Laboratory of Central Auditory Processes. National Institute of Rehabilitation. Mexico City https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4758-2867
  • Ma. de los Angeles Loera-Gonzalez Department of Health in Work. Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS). Mexico City
  • Felipe García-Pedroza School of Medicine. National University of Mexico (UNAM). Mexico City
  • Adrián Poblano Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1178-8900



Palabras clave:

Pérdida auditiva oculta; Sinaptopatía coclear; Ruido ocupacional


Introduction: Cochlear synaptopathy after noise exposure (CSNE) is defined as the transient or permanent functional damage to the ribbon synapsis of the inner hair cells of the cochlea. This article has the objective of comment the usefulness of early identification of the hidden hearing loss after CSNE based on audiological markers and in changes in the clinical methodology in clinical groups for its searching.

Method: Review of related literature in scientific databases and narrative description of results.

Results: CSNE results in a hidden hearing loss in patients with normal pitch audiogram, mainly workers or individuals exposed to high noise levels. The main studies of identification have been performed mainly in groups of students from college or musicians.

Conclusions: Is necessary adjustments in hearing health policy for an wide early identification of CSNE in at risk populations for the identification of the hidden hearing loss and fight for its damage regulation.


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Cómo citar

Español E, Español E, Español E, Poblano A. Pérdida Auditiva Oculta, Sinaptopatía Coclear y Ruido Ocupacional. Med Segur Trab [Internet]. 30 de septiembre de 2023 [citado 23 de febrero de 2025];69(272):187-94. Disponible en: //revista.isciii.es/index.php/MST/article/view/1326


