Environment and work stress in health care workers one year after the pandemic
Factors affecting stress and the work environment in health care workers require preventive interventions in mental health and quality of lifeAbstract
Introduction: the work environment, organization and related behaviors are factors that influence the psychological well-being of workers. Likewise, work stress has a negative impact on psychological and physical health. In the long-term pandemic scenario, factors such as these could exacerbate or moderate the effect of the pandemic on the mental health of health care workers.
Objective: to examine stress and work environment perceived by Chilean health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and its association with demographic variables.
Methods: A cross-sectional study design, questionnaires on work environment and work stress were applied to a sample of 623 health care workers. Some 60.5% (n=385) were from hospital establishments, and 39.5% (n=238) belonged to Primary Health Care Centers (PHC).
Results: Half of the workers considered that they experienced stress in six dimensions. A relevant aspect is that less than 10% consider that they are satisfied with the opportunity to help people. The perception of work stress is higher in PHC workers than in Hospital workers (239 = 133 (55.6); p < 0.001). Regarding the work environment, the perception that restrictions affected the mental well-being of workers is higher in Hospitals (365=122(33.4; p<0.001).
Conclusions: Factors affecting stress and the work environment in health care workers require preventive interventions in mental health and quality of life.
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