Health literacy of nursing auxiliary care technicians and non-health personnel belonging to the workforce of four Spanish hospitals




Health Personnel; Nursing Assistants; Attitude of Health Personnel; Health Literacy; Health Care; Disease Prevention; Health Promotion


Objetive: To estimate the degree of health literacy (HL) of nursing auxiliary care technicians (NACT) and non-health personnel belonging to the workforce of 4 Spanish hospitals.

Method: A descriptive-correlational research, with NACT as target population. They were asked, using the online form HLS-EU-Q16 (Health Literacy Survey - European Union), with a Likert scale of 4 values (from 1 very easy to 4 very difficult).

Results: 477 professionals answered the form. The results for global SA were: mean 1.95 ± 0.03 and median 1.94. The health literacy level (HLL) demonstrated sufficient HL in 293 (61.43%) individuals. The median on the HL for the 3 components of the questionnaire was: health care = 2, disease prevention = 2 and health promotion = 1.75. The item about how to deal with mental health problems showed the greatest difficulty with a mean of 2.45 ± 0.04 and a median equal to 2. There were no significant differences between NACT and non-health personnel.

Conclusions: The HL grade of the NACTs turned out to be good, both globally and in the dimensions of attention and health care, disease prevention and health promotion. Likewise, the level of health literacy obtained turned out to be enough in most of them. No differences were found with the non-health personnel belonging to the workforce of the 4 hospitals researched.


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How to Cite

Cabanillas-Franco A, Hernández-Blázquez A, Mendoza-Aragón R, Suárez Fernández MV, Sanz-Valero J. Health literacy of nursing auxiliary care technicians and non-health personnel belonging to the workforce of four Spanish hospitals. Med Segur Trab [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];69(270):28-39. Available from: //



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