New HIV diagnoses among people aged 50 years and over in Spain, 2013-2022




HIV infection, people aged 50 or older, late diagnoses, surveillance


Introduction: Among the older population with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are those who acquired the infection in previous decades as well as those who are currently diagnosed at 50 years of age or older. The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of new HIV diagnoses identified in Spain in 2022 from people aged 50 years or older, and to analyse their trend between 2013-2022.

Method: Descriptive study of new diagnoses aged 50 years or older reported to the Surveillance System for New HIV Diagnoses (2013-2022) and their comparison with those aged 15-49 years. Trends were studied through rate variation.

Results: In 2022, there were 2,952 new HIV diagnoses in people over 14 years of age, of which 18.3% (540) were 50 years of age or older. The majority were men (84.3%), born in Spain (68.7%), and the most frequent transmission mode was unprotected sexual relations between men (40.7%). 64.4% of total cases had late diagnosis. Compared with cases aged 15-49, a higher proportion of Spaniards, heterosexual men, and cases with delayed diagnosis were observed. Among those 50 years of age or older, rate trends, overall, by sex and mode of transmission, were downward mainly between 2019 and 2020. The percentage of cases with late diagnosis did not change along the period.

Conclusions: The high proportion of late diagnosis in new diagnoses of older age makes it necessary to reinforce primary and secondary prevention in this group of population.


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How to Cite

Diaz A, Simón L, Villegas-Moreno T, Hernando V. New HIV diagnoses among people aged 50 years and over in Spain, 2013-2022. BES [Internet]. 2024 May 6 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];32(1):10-2. Available from: //



Estudios Epidemiológicos